亚搏 > 企业亚搏 > 广东亚搏 > 佛山亚搏 > 佛山市土禾设备实业有限公司


  • 所属行业:暖通空调 暖通空调 负压风机
  • 供应厂家:佛山市土禾设备实业有限公司
  • 公司地址:广东省佛山市顺德区广东佛山市佛山市顺德区陈村镇石洲工业区1 号
  • 公司网址://www.yourcru.com/gs-3446951.html
  • 主营产品:
  • 杨通喜 经理 13825529677 / 0757-23351918
  • 进入店铺
      公司执行严格的国际质量标准,已通过ISO 9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证,有健全的质量保证体系,所有环节均按照技术监督部门核定的企业标准或按客户的要求进行生产、检测。公司对所有产品实行“保质一年”的服务承诺,坚持“用户至上,信誉**”的宗旨,始终如一地贯彻“生产*的产品、执行合理的价格、提供真诚的服务、进行有效的竞争”四大原则,用全体员工的敬业奉献,努力增加客户的满足度。产业回报社会,合作创造双赢。 Land Ho is a new type of plant ventilation cooling equipment of the pioneers and leaders, flagship of the ";Land Ho"; series cooling products imported Italian co-production of advanced technology, product quality to meet international standards, widely used in industry, agriculture, civil and other fields and won a good reputation and credibility. Executive strict international quality standards, has passed the ISO 9001:2000 international quality management system certification, has a sound quality assurance system, all aspects of technical supervision departments in accordance with the approved corporate standards or according to customer"s requirements for production, testing. Company for all products and a ";one-year shelf-life"; service commitment, adhere to the ";customer first, reputation first"; purpose, consistently implement the ";production-class products, the implementation of a reasonable price, sincere service, effective competition ";four principles, using the dedicated staff dedication, efforts to increase customer satisfaction. Industry back to society, Cooperation to create win-win situation. 
    加工方式 : 其他;
    工艺 : 机加工;
    产品质量认证 : CE;其他;
    品牌名称 : 土禾
    质量控制 : 内部
    欢迎来到佛山市土禾设备实业有限公司网站, 具体地址是广东省佛山市顺德区公司街道地址,老板是陈冠华。