亚搏 > 企业亚搏 > 浙江亚搏 > 玉环冉迪阀门有限公司


  • 所属行业:水果 生鲜水果 柚子
  • 供应厂家:玉环冉迪阀门有限公司
  • 公司地址:浙江省浙江玉环县清港镇下湫村工业区冉迪阀门有限公司
  • 公司网址://www.yourcru.com/gs-3372725.html
  • 主营产品:
  • 龚灵燕 主管 13968671965 / 0576-87168980
  • 进入店铺
    【玉环冉迪阀门有限公司】是一家专业生产中、高档铜快开陶瓷阀芯,以黄铜为主要原材料,以**的数控车床,仪表,锻压冲床,自动化装配流水线为一体的生产体系。产品通过严格气压,水压性能测试,启闭力矩测试,产品使用50万次滴水不漏。我司始终坚持“诚信守法,优质高效,持续发展”的质量方针为宗旨,赢得广大客户信赖和**,竭诚欢迎海内外新老客户携手拼搏,共创佳绩。日积月累,公司开始研发并开拓到不同产品领域。并相继开发了球阀、闸阀、水嘴、带锁水嘴、角阀、截止阀、止回阀、过滤器、浮球阀、管件、塑料水龙头、PVC球阀、软管接头等金属及塑料产品。公司产品具有耐腐蚀,难老化,无锈,无毒,无味,耐高压,施工简便等特点。公司秉承质量求生存,创新求发展的一致理念。 Our company is a  professional company for produce Middle and high level ceramic cartridge with quick open type, our main material is brass , it exclusives used for the production system of CNC Lathe ,meter, normal lathe, forge and press punching machine and the automation equipment of flow line all-in-one,the products passed the strict test of air pressure, functional of water pressure,bending moment of open and close,the final effection can be holded water greater than 500,000.00 times, our main market is Europe ,America and domestic market. The material of quick open ceramic cartridge is made by brass HPB59-1 and aluminium oxide ceramic(96 porcelain),all the fittings are non-toxicity,odorless and tasteless,adopting high precition CNC lathe to process brass parts, all of these are achieved international standard requirements,our product is the perfect equipment  used on middle and high level faucets, and can be excellent to control the size of streamflow for save water , and Ensured that products used 50 million times watertight,the quality is stability and can be assured to use. 
    产品质量认证 : CE;
    质量控制 : 第三方
    欢迎来到玉环冉迪阀门有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省公司街道地址,老板是林高峰。
    我们公司主营sKeys等,我处货源充足,本着以质量求生存,以诚信立本的原则,与全国各地客商皆有来往,且享有良好口碑。竭诚欢迎各地客商朋友前来考察选购! 提供收购、包装、人力、装车、动输、食宿等一条龙服务。相信与我们的合作将愉快,务实,高效,诚信。